
We remember those who are with us no more.
God called them the last little while .
We're grateful for the time we had
Recalling their lives, and their smile.

Some of them lived a long and full life
Serving Christ for many good years,
Others were just in the prime of life
But whatever their age, it brings tears.

Climbing this difficult mountain of life
They disappeared from our sight
For they have gone over the brow of the hill
And are now in the Kingdom of Light.

We pray God to bless those left behind.
Give them a new vision, we pray,
That they will press on, in Your grace and strength
Till they reach the end of the way.

Help us all, Lord, to continue to serve
As they did, so faithful and true
For You walk beside us encouraging us on
Till we meet them in Heaven, with You!

By: Honoria (Nora) A. Groves