The Cycle of Motherhood

Is God's gift to women:
A precious experience
Her body's ability to recreate
The thrill of first movement
The excitement of growth
The joy of nurturing
The patient endurance of labour
The overwhelming accomplishment of delivery
The breathtaking sound of a baby's first cry!

The delicious joy of an infant's first smile
Satisfaction of watching its growth
The warmth of loving cuddling
Responsibility of training
Routines of discipline
Happiness in successes
Disappointment in failures
Ongoing encouragement
Never-ending support
The dailyness of meeting physical needs
Regular spiritual teaching
Faithful example
Watching development with apprehension
Learning to let go
Coping with fear of rejection
Releasing control
Rejoicing in evolving maturity
Standing aside in decision making
Applauding achievements
Willingness to apologize
Becoming an observer
Maintaining concern
Upholding in prayer
Ceaseless interest

Becoming a grandmother and great grandmother
Acceptance of changing roles
Experiencing old age
Always a grateful mother!

Honoria A. Groves

May 9, 2004